Well, these last couple days have certainly been interesting! Yesterday, here in Texas, it just rained and rained and rained. I finally got to take out the umbrella I brought up with me! It's light blue. I had a bonding moment with one of my good friends Cassie yesterday when our umbrellas both blew out at the exact same time on the way to lunch and we both went "AHHH!" at the exact same time. It was actually quite hilarious. It is days like those when I wish I owned a pair of rain boots, but I don't. In Colorado, shoes that are required are called SNOW boots. Apparently in Texas, that changes to rain boots. I just don't see the point of getting them when I wear them maybe two to three days in a month. I like reusing my shoes, and rain boots I feel would just sit there in my closet...
Today at lunch we had the most interesting conversation about anesthesia and nursing and medical stuff. Stuff I'm obviously interested in (#nursing major). Anyway, we got on the subject of some of us undergoing anesthesia and it was quite entertaining. Some of us wouldn't stop laughing, others of us didn't remember a thing, and others just wanted to yell at the doctors. Then somehow we got on the subject of women and having babies. I made the remark that I don't understand these women who want to have "natural" births. I mean, hellooo??? Enduring that pain?! I'd be saying more things along this line when my time came..."GIVE ME ALL THE DRUGS YOU'VE GOT. NOW!" I've heard that when women give birth for the first time, they look at their husband in the room, usually starstruck that they are now a father, and they say, "You are not touching me, ever again!" Hahahaha that's pretty funny too, although I feel as though I will have the same reaction. So guys, be glad you are guys. I don't really know if I want to have kids...my diabetes and stuff causes issues with that and I'd have to have a carefully planned pregnancy probably. I want to have my own kids, but it scares me that I'd be taking care of two people instead of just one, and that I may give my child diabetes... And almost anything could go wrong. If not, then I would love to adopt! :) Anyway, if you thought that was an awkward subject to discuss, sorry. Me being a nursing major and loving all this stuff, it isn't awkward. It's just another fact of life!

On a random note, I saw this status on facebook that was like, "how would you describe your love life in a word or phrase?" I was looking at the comments, and this one brilliant person said "Gone With the Wind." HAHA!! I thought it hilarious as I love Gone With the Wind, and it definitely pertains to me right about now. Haha good for a laugh :).
By the way...I still love getting letters! So, if you want to write me, please don't hesitate! I'll write you back! I promise. Alright, well there are some things that have started off my week here at TCU. Hope you guys are having a blessed week!
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
-Lamentations 3:22-23
Rainboots are so worth it, even when it does rain only a couple of times...
ReplyDeleteget 'em rainboots!
<3er of rainboots :)