Wow, it's been awhile since I have blogged. I'm sorry about that. With everything coming up like spring break and finishing off my tests, I've been slightly busy. I hope you guys have fun stuff planned for spring break! My cousin's wedding is during spring break, so I'll be attending that. I love weddings, so it will be a blast! Plus, I get to see a lot of my family. I'm so excited! I also may be able to come home to Colorado for a few days! :D That really has me excited. I miss Colorado although I love it here. Anyway, on with life...

It happened again this morning. I couldn't keep my blood sugar under control. I did something wrong again, and I had to fix it. This diabetes thing, man, it's rough. I'm never 100%. It doesn't limit me, but all these other people walking around without a care in the world get to me. I try desperately to keep myself healthy and accountable, but even then it doesn't work. I don't want to try and sound all depressing about it, because I am relatively healthy, but it gets old starting over day after day after day and trying to get it right. There isn't just one way to deal with blood sugars. It's new every single day. Girls, those of you with wavy/curly hair, you know how you never know what your hair is going to look like in the morning or how it's going to behave? Well, that's kind of what it's like. I never know what a day might bring and I just have to combat it, except it's kind of a matter of life and death. But, yeah, just grr!! I saw this really cool necklace charm on a website called Etsy, and on it says "insulin is not a cure." It's so true, and I just thought it was kind of a cool quote to raise awareness. They are still working towards a cure. I was thinking, though, for my upper division honors (this is a long ways off, but still), to write my thesis on or do something with diabetes. I mean, who better to advocate it than an actual, real life type 1 diabetic? :P You're reading her blog. Right now. I don't know if you guys know this, but the mascot for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) is the pink panther. Haha, when I went home for Christmas break, I found something the doctors gave to me in the hospital when I was very sick and just getting he is....
I'm in a bible study right now, and we are reading a book by Mother Teresa. It's called No Greater Love. The last chapter we read was about prayer. There are some really cool ideas that I haven't thought about before. God answers prayers, and praying to Him is a form of love. She says that praying does not have to be complicated and that the simplicity of prayer is what is necessary. She also stresses the importance of listening. The silence is when God speaks to us. We get so caught up in speaking to Him and asking Him for things and telling Him what we need help with that we forget that the silence is important to here Him talking to us. He wants to talk back to us. How cool is that?! I just think it is an awesome point. So, those of you who are discouraged about anything really, just be patient. God answers everything in His own time.
Let's see... what else to ramble about? Well, I don't have much else on my mind right about now. I think I am just tired. Haha, oh! I was at lunch the other day, and for those of you who are as obssessed with Criminal Minds as I am, there was this guy sitting behind my table who looked like Dr. Reid! It was crazy, I mean and he was downing two glasses of chocolate milk haha. Just get that picture in your head. I mean, you have to get your calcium in! I thought it was slightly amusing. Anway... I think I'm going to end there. There will be another blog post soon, I promise! I hope you guys are great, and for those of you on spring break this week, have a great week! :) Ta-ta-for-now!
Thanks for reading.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
-Romans 8:28
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7
mmm. i love catching up with you through your blog :)
ReplyDeleteHaha thanks Liz! I love reading your blog too!! :) Miss you!