September 19, 2012

When Life Has a Hold Over You...

Hey guys,

I don't have a whole lot to say tonight. I just wanted to share a video with you that you may or may not have seen before. It is absolutely powerful, watch the whole thing, even if you've seen it before. It moves me to tears every single time I watch it; it is done to the song Everything by Lifehouse.

What we all deal with on a daily basis could not be more true. How many times do you wish you could go back, wherever you're at right now? You always can. Jesus is always there, waiting for you to return. He wants all of you. He has the ability to protect you. There is nothing to mess around with in this world, Satan knows how to hit you hard. I hope you guys find some encouragement in this video and know that the only place that brings peace is in Christ. When life has a hold over you, run to Jesus. Love you guys, hope your stressful weeks are going well!! Thanks for taking the time to read. :)

Thoughts? Questions? Let me know!

"He will not let your foot slip -- he who watches over you will not slumber...the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."
-Psalm 121:3,8


  1. I totally knew this was the song you had up before I scrolled down to the video :P

  2. So true Morgan!!! I did a skit to this with my youth group a couple years ago. The whole room was crying in the end. Right on. I love your posts.

    1. Thank you, Morgan! :)

      And that's so awesome, I absolutely love this skit. It speaks to the heart. And we need more of that in this world :)


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