September 11, 2012

Compromise --> Promise

Hello everybody!

I hope you had a great weekend, and that your Monday has been going well! I know football season started, and it was a super fun weekend! However, getting back to school seems very difficult. :P

Anyway, I just wanted to update you guys on some things that have been going on in my life. My usual blog posts end up talking about some life principle, but as this is also a blog about my life, I shall share! I'm not sure if you guys remember me talking about the numbness in my hands and such []... I just want to thank you all for your prayers. The numbness is still there, it hasn't exactly gone away. I'm improving on keeping track of my blood sugars though! I've actually had a couple of low blood sugars recently, and I'm taking that as a good sign (although a low blood sugar is never a good thing). Since it is lower, that means I'm giving myself insulin and not completely forgetting about it (even if it is too much insulin). It means my blood sugars are staying lower, which is definitely beneficial. But, the numbness is still very much there, and some days it's worse than others. It's not constant though, from what I feel, and some are more frustrating than others. Just please continue your prayers. :) Prayer is powerful, and I appreciate every single one! I would also ask that you pray for another grandpa is not doing very well. He has been in the hospital multiple times, and literally has everything under the sun. You name it, he's probably got it. Anyway, I just ask your prayers for my family, especially my mom. It's always hard dealing with something like that. My understanding of how all of his conditions are working together to affect him, brought on by my brief nursing knowledge, disheartens me. He is a fighter though. I talked to him on the phone the other day, and he sounded like his old self, just very tired. Anyway, prayers are appreciated!

I want to end up today with something super positive! :) I am involved in a bible study with my church...Mckinney Church. The book we are reading is called Made to Crave: satisfying your deepest desire with God, not food. by Lysa Terkeurst. Girls, I would already recommend it (even with just reading the first chapter). Now, I was reading our book... and here is a quote I read in the introduction...

"What happens when you delete 'com' from the word compromise? You're left with a 'promise.'"

How cool is that? Have you ever thought about that? If you don't compromise, you have a promise. How would our lives look if we never compromised our faith? We do it daily...we think, "Oh, it's just this one little time", or, "Oh, this doesn't matter that much...". We even say stuff like, "I'll think about the consequences later, and I'll deal with them then." I encourage all of you to not compromise your faith. Live now for everything you stand for. Live the way you were called to live. Lead those around you, and be an example. You don't have to be outspoken. If you're like me, you are more quiet. That can have the same effect on people. People are always watching. End the day with a promise, and start the next day with hope. Thanks for reading.

Also...I'd like to take a moment for those involved in/who lost loved ones in September 11th. My dad is a firefighter and a paramedic, and my mom was a flight attendant who was supposed to be working that day. I also have a couple of uncles who were flying planes that day. Thank the Lord they're with me today. We will never forget.

Questions? Thoughts? Let me know.

"His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."
-2 Peter 1:3-4

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